The NycoCard™ assays
NycoCard HbA1c
For monitoring long-term metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus.

NycoCard™ HbA1c key features
- 3 minutes test time
- 5 µL sample volume
- 4-15% HbA1c measuring range
- Boronic acid affinity test principle
- Traceable to the IFCC Reference Method
- NGSP and IFCC certified

NycoCard™ HbA1c test procedure

Add 5 µL of sample to a tube with R1/Reagent and mix well.
Allow the sample to incubate for minimum 2, maximum 3 minutes.

Add 25 µL of the sample mixture to a TD/Test Device using a pipette.
Allow the sample mixture to soak completely into the membrane.

Add 25 µL of the R2/Washing Solution to a TD/Test Device using a pipette.
Allow the washing solution to soak completely into the membrane.

Place the TD/Test Device on the READER II pad.
Read the test result within 5 minutes. Follow the NycoCard READER II test procedure.